Thursday, April 7, 2011

Flashlight death.

I know it's old news, but its still pretty cool.  The "Magpul FMG-9 Prototype Flashlight Gun"
The guys from Sons of Guns on Discovery channel made something similar to it, though it was a cruder prototype for hunting/survival.  Not gonna lie, I'd love to have one of these.  I have no particular reason to own one though, just to say "I have a flashlight.. that can shoot you." to my friends. Though i wonder, would you have to have a Carry & Conceal license to carry one in states where you can carry a weapon in the open as long as its not concealed? What do you guys think of them?


  1. Not a hunter but this gun looks pretty badass

  2. Hunting or not, that is incredible... always loved hidden weapons. Following! :)
