Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Kate Upton

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Swimsuit/Lingerie Model Kate Upton, known for proving she can Dougie at a basketball game, had a recent shoot with CQ (photobombed by Ken Jeong)
What else can I say about Kate Upton that her.. attributes.. can't say about her themselves?

Kate Upton Sports Illustrated 2011 Interview

another version/Bloopers (kinda) but still sexy

Kate Upton Doing the Dougie
(There is the real version of her doing it mixed in and I prefer this video)

Behind the scenes of Sobe Commercial

She has her own Youtube channel! Here is the sexy link

Hope all my readers are doing well this summer. Shout out to those affected by the terrible weather going on right now around the globe. Hope you and your families are staying safe.
I apologize for the lack of activity again. Still working on my change of location and school stuff at the same time. In two weeks everything will be done, so I should be back on a schedule then. I know I said that last post, but life is funny like that. Thanks to those who have been checking for updates and messaging me about why there haven't been any posts. Don't forget to vote on the next story topic!